From Surviving To Thriving with Colleen O’Hara

Colleen O’Hara just turned 38, which is incredible because she didn’t think she would even make it to 30.

With an eating disorder diagnosis at age 10, prescription drugs for ADHD and anxiety turned drug addiction in college, her mother’s death, followed by her brother's death from overdose, it's evident that Colleen has faced many battles. She acknowledges that at one point, it just felt like one thing after the next.

After years of being in and out of recovery centers with little success, Colleen had finally had enough. She was sick and tired of being sick and tired. She was finally ready to heal. The process took nearly six years, and although Colleen is still healing to this very day, she feels like a completely different person now. Today, it’s a totally new life for Colleen, and in her words, “it’s awesome”.

Tune in to hear Colleen’s story of how she went from “surviving to thriving” and the advice she has to help you or a loved one do the same.

If you’re someone who’s struggling to heal in your own life, Colleen wants you to know this: If she can heal, anyone can. You’re here for a bigger purpose. Keep going. “We’re not here to work, sleep, and eat. We’re here to make a difference”.

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